
St. Francis Xavier Parish

Bienvenido a la parroquia de S. Francisco Xavier

"The Lord sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim liberty to captives." -Lk. 4:18

"Me ha enviado para proclamar la libertad a los cautivos, para poner en libertad a los oprimidos.

(Lucas 4,18) 

Today's readings/Lecturas de Hoy

Bienvenidos! Para Español

Our faith community and I, Fr. Francis are delighted that you and your family have chosen Saint Francis Xavier Parish as your place for worship. Saint Francis Xavier, S.J. (Society of Jesus) showed a great zeal for missionary work, and just as him we strive to follow on the footsteps of such a great preacher and evangelizer for the Malaysians.

We welcome you as Christ! Whether you are a member or a visitor, we pray that you find Christ among our brothers and sisters in the faith and trust that the word of God would stir your heart to actively listen and be prompted to action for the greater glory of God. 


As members of St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic Church, we are a multicultural community guided by the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Church. Our family of faith leads a Christ-centered life to enrich our world through sacrament, worship, service, and hospitality.

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29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

What determines the success or failure of our existence? How should we live so that our life is full of meaning? The liturgy of the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time tells us that we can give full meaning to our lives when we learn to put aside our pursuits of power and greatness, and instead focus on love and serving those around us. By doing so, we become a light that shines in the world.

The first reading speaks about a "servant of God" who lived a life of humility, sacrifice, surrender, and selflessness, and despite suffering and contempt, was exalted and glorified by God. This tells us that a life lived in such a manner is not a cursed or failed life in the eyes of God, but rather a fruitful and fully realized life that brings liberation and hope to the world.

In the second reading, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews presents Jesus as a merciful high priest who, after offering his sacrifice, "passed through the heavens" and interceded for humanity before God, obtaining mercy for sinful individuals. Our response to Christ's saving action should be a full adherence to his teachings.

In the Gospel, Jesus instructs his disciples on the path to a meaningful life. When James and John express their desires for power and honor, Jesus assures them that true fulfillment comes from giving of oneself, through simple and humble service to others. 

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Mass Times


9:30am Mass in English

11:30am Mass in Spanish

​Daily Mass:

Monday to Friday: 8am in English and Spanish


Before weekly and Sunday mass. Also upon request to the office

Eucharist Adoration:

First Friday of the month from 8:30am to 10:30am

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  • Oct 22 - School Circle of Grace

  • November 24 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

    The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is celebrated on the last Sunday of the liturgical year, marking a significant culmination of the Church's calendar. Instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, this feast serves as a response to secularism and emphasizes Christ's eternal reign over all creation.

    The readings for this day often include passages that depict Jesus' role as a shepherd and judge, such as Matthew 25:31-34, where He separates the righteous from the unrighteous. This imagery reinforces His kingship and invites believers to recognize His presence in their lives through acts of love and service.

    In summary, the Solemnity of Christ the King encapsulates the Church's teachings on Jesus' sovereignty and prepares believers for a new liturgical year filled with hope and anticipation.

  • 24 Noviembre - Cristo Rey

    La Solemnidad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo, se celebra el último domingo del año litúrgico y marca una importante culminación del calendario de la Iglesia. Instituida por el Papa Pío XI en 1925, esta fiesta sirve como respuesta al secularismo y enfatiza el reinado eterno de Cristo sobre toda la creación.

    Las lecturas de este día a menudo incluyen pasajes que describen el papel de Jesús como pastor y juez, como Mateo 25:31-34, donde separa a los justos de los injustos. Esta imagen refuerza su realeza e invita a los creyentes a reconocer su presencia en sus vidas a través de actos de amor y servicio.

    En resumen, la Solemnidad de Cristo Rey resume las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre la soberanía de Jesús y prepara a los creyentes para un nuevo año litúrgico lleno de esperanza y anticipación.

  • December 1 - 1st Sunday of Advent / Adviento

    Advent is a significant season in the Christian calendar, marking a time of preparation and anticipation for the celebration of Christmas. This four-week period begins on the Sunday closest to St. Andrew's Day and leads up to Christmas Eve. The term "Advent" comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming," which reflects both the anticipation of Christ's birth and His promised return.

    During Advent, Christians are invited to engage in reflection, prayer, and community. It serves as a reminder of the hope and joy that Jesus brings into the world. The season encourages believers to prepare their hearts for His coming, not just as a historical event but as a present reality in their lives.

    Key traditions include the Advent wreath, which features four candles symbolizing hope, peace, joy, and love—each lit on successive Sundays. This ritual helps families and communities focus on the spiritual significance of the season amidst the busyness often associated with Christmas celebrations.

    Advent also emphasizes the importance of community and shared faith, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey. It encourages acts of kindness and service, reinforcing the message that Christ's love is meant to be shared with others. In essence, Advent is a time to reflect on our faith, renew our hope, and prepare for the joyous celebration of Christ’s birth.

    El Adviento es una tiempo importante en el calendario cristiano, que marca un periodo de preparación y anticipación para la celebración de la Navidad. Este período de cuatro semanas comienza el domingo más cercano al día de San Andrés y conduce a la víspera de Navidad. El término "Adviento" proviene de la palabra latina adventus, que significa "venida", que refleja tanto la anticipación del nacimiento de Cristo como su regreso prometido.

    Durante el Adviento, se invita a los cristianos a participar en la reflexión, la oración y la comunidad. Sirve como un recordatorio de la esperanza y la alegría que Jesús trae al mundo. La temporada alienta a los creyentes a preparar sus corazones para su venida, no solo como un evento histórico sino como una realidad presente en sus vidas.

    Las tradiciones clave incluyen la corona de Adviento, que presenta cuatro velas que simbolizan la esperanza, la paz, la alegría y el amor, cada una encendida en domingos sucesivos. Este ritual ayuda a las familias y las comunidades a centrarse en el significado espiritual de la temporada en medio del ajetreo que a menudo se asocia con las celebraciones navideñas.

    El Adviento también enfatiza la importancia de la comunidad y la fe compartida, recordándonos que no estamos solos en nuestro viaje. Fomenta los actos de bondad y servicio, reforzando el mensaje de que el amor de Cristo debe compartirse con los demás. En esencia, el Adviento es un tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestra fe, renovar nuestra esperanza y prepararnos para la alegre celebración del nacimiento de Cristo.

  • December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier

    Saint Francis Xavier was a pioneering Catholic missionary and co-founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Born on April 7, 1506, in the Kingdom of Navarre (now part of Spain), he came from a noble family.

    Francis Xavier studied at the University of Paris, where he met Ignatius of Loyola, a pivotal figure in his life. Initially resistant to Ignatius' spiritual influence, Xavier eventually embraced a life of religious devotion.

    On August 15, 1534, Xavier, along with Ignatius and five others, took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, laying the foundation for the Society of Jesus. He was ordained as a priest in 1537.

    Xavier's missionary journey began in 1541 when he left for India at the request of the King of Portugal. His travels took him to:

    - India, where he worked extensively in Goa and along the Pearl Fishery Coast

    - Southeast Asia, including Malacca and the Maluku Islands

    - Japan, where he established the first Christian mission in 1549

    Throughout his travels, Xavier faced numerous challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences, and harsh living conditions. Despite these obstacles, he remained dedicated to his mission, often living among the poorest communities and tending to the sick, including lepers.

    In 1552, Xavier attempted to enter China to establish a mission there. However, he was not permitted to enter the mainland and died on December 3, 1552, on Shangchuan Island off the coast of China.

    Francis Xavier was beatified in 1619 and canonized in 1622. He is known as the "Apostle of the Indies" and the "Apostle of Japan". In 1927, he was named co-patron of all foreign missions along with St. Thérèse of Lisieux. His feast day is celebrated on December 3rd, and he is the patron saint of Catholic missions, Goa, China, and Japan.

    Saint Francis Xavier's life was marked by unwavering faith, tireless dedication to spreading Christianity, and a profound impact on the Catholic Church's missionary efforts in Asia.

  • 3 Diciembre - Fiesta de San Francisco Xavier

    San Francisco Javier fue un misionero católico pionero y cofundador de la Compañía de Jesús (jesuitas). Nació el 7 de abril de 1506 en el Reino de Navarra (hoy parte de España) y procedía de una familia noble.

    Francisco Javier estudió en la Universidad de París, donde conoció a Ignacio de Loyola, una figura fundamental en su vida. Aunque inicialmente se resistía a la influencia espiritual de Ignacio, Javier acabó abrazando una vida de devoción religiosa.

    El 15 de agosto de 1534, Javier, junto con Ignacio y otros cinco, hizo votos de pobreza, castidad y obediencia, sentando las bases de la Compañía de Jesús. Fue ordenado sacerdote en 1537.

    El viaje misionero de Javier comenzó en 1541, cuando partió hacia la India a petición del rey de Portugal. Sus viajes lo llevaron a:

    - India, donde trabajó extensamente en Goa y a lo largo de la costa de la pesca de perlas

    - Sudeste asiático, incluidas Malaca y las islas Molucas

    - Japón, donde estableció la primera misión cristiana en 1549

    A lo largo de sus viajes, Javier enfrentó numerosos desafíos, incluidas las barreras del idioma, las diferencias culturales y las duras condiciones de vida. A pesar de estos obstáculos, permaneció dedicado a su misión, a menudo viviendo entre las comunidades más pobres y atendiendo a los enfermos, incluidos los leprosos.

    En 1552, Javier intentó ingresar a China para establecer una misión allí. Sin embargo, no se le permitió ingresar al continente y murió el 3 de diciembre de 1552, en la isla de Shangchuan, frente a la costa de China.

    Francisco Javier fue beatificado en 1619 y canonizado en 1622. Se lo conoce como el "Apóstol de las Indias" y el "Apóstol de Japón". En 1927, fue nombrado copatrono de todas las misiones extranjeras junto con Santa Teresita de Lisieux. Su festividad se celebra el 3 de diciembre y es el santo patrono de las misiones católicas, Goa, China y Japón.

    La vida de San Francisco Javier estuvo marcada por una fe inquebrantable, una dedicación incansable a la difusión del cristianismo y un profundo impacto en los esfuerzos misioneros de la Iglesia Católica en Asia.

  • December 15 – SFX 100th Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Bilingual Mass at 10 am

    Misa bilingue a las 10 

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."

Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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